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Collective Data bank workshop 003 가기
Michel Foucault uses the idea of a mirror as a metaphor for the duality and contradictions, the reality and the unreality of utopian projects. A mirror is metaphor for utopia because the image that you see in it does not exist, but it is also a heterotopia because the mirror is a real object that shapes the way you relate to your own image.
Foucault articulates several possible types of heterotopia or spaces that exhibit dual meanings:
Hello, hope you can join me at some of these.
Scroll down for full details of each.
Best,Blogger’s Meeting
May 9th, 2009 (Saturday)
At Nam June Paik Art Center
Dear All,
The Nam Jun Paik Art Center would like to invite you to the Cultural Blogger’s Meeting on May 9th, 2009.
The Nam Jun Paik Art Center opened last October with its inaugural Festival Now Jump. With the current staging of the first regular exhibition First Stop on the Super Highway we would like to promote better communication between different artistic and culture groups. Taking Nam June Paik’s original 1974 idea of an “Electronic Super Highway,” we would like to foster further communication between different important participants in the current visual arts scene.
Today bloggers are a powerful social network that produce discourse about art and culture, thus, we would like to invite the “authors” of different Korean cultural blogs addressing visual arts and culture to come to the Nam June Paik Art Center for an informal gathering on May 9th. This will a great chance to meet each other, exchange information and see what meeting in person can contribute to the lively Korean Blog Scene. Since it will be the first meeting, we would like to keep the schedule flexible to allow open discussions.
May 9th (Saturday) Meeting
12 noon Arrive at the Nam June Paik Art Center
12 - 1 Lunch
1 - 2:30 sTour of the NJP Art Center (accompanied by Tobias Berger, Chief Curator)
2:30 - 4:30 Open Discussion (with coffee & snacks)
Shuttle Bus
11:15 HanNam-Dong (Across the street from DanKook University) -> NJP Art Center
4:30 NJP Art Center -> HanNam-Dong
If you know of a blogger we may have missed please let us know – thank you.
Language assistance will be provided for English speakers.
Since places are limited, please RSVP by May 3rd
Name: JiYong Ahn (Please provide your contact information)
Email: reservation@njpartcenter.kr
Phone: 031) 201-8529
We are looking very much forward to meet you.
Tobias Berger, Chief Curator